GCC latest news January 2017

With the new season just around the corner, here’s an update on a number of role changes and some diary dates:

Chairman: Paul Feavearyear (Fevs) replaces Robert
Secretary: Robert replaces Fevs
Treasurer: Charlie Wright has replaced Phil McGahan
Youth/Parent Rep: Charlie Worby has replaced Ross Johnson

Captains for 2017 season will be as follows:
1sts: Danny Cash
2nds: Charlie Worby
3rds: Eddie Thorne
4ths: Robert Leech
Sundays: Lydia Raven

And some dates for your diaries:

Adult and junior nets are still being finalised, and these will be confirmed shortly.

Groundforce weekend will be the weekend of 1st/2nd April 17.

The sportsman’s dinner is coming up on Friday 24th March. Our speaker is former England and Yorkshire opening bowler Matthew Hoggard and the comedian for the evening is Paul Boardman (former Sky Sports presenter and son of comedian Stan Boardman). It should be a cracking start to the season! Contact Peter Barnes for tickets 01953 681026 or 07825 351062.

Finally, Barnesy is also planning on putting an order together for club ties and we are trying to establish how many people would like to buy one. The cost will be £12-15 depending on final numbers. Contact Barnesy by Jan 26 if you are interested 01953 681026 or 07825 351062.