From Robert Leech, Chairman
Dear All
As the season is fast approaching there are various issues that I need to run past you all:
Firstly, those of you who attended the AGM will recall that a vacancy on the committee was created. I have received three applications to stand for the vacant position from Robert Fuller, Paul Baker and James Worby. I have no doubt that all three would be worthwhile additions to the committee but as there is only one vacancy a vote is needed to determine who joins the committee. Would you please email me with your choice from the three applicants.
Secondly, a text has been circulated by Sarah informing everyone of the Cricket Force weekend on 2nd and 3rd of April. This is a very important weekend as it your opportunity to help prepare the ground for the coming season. There are lots of jobs that need to be done and it is only right that everyone does their bit. There are two days available so please put a couple of hours aside to come and help out. To help allocate jobs please add to your email which day you can attend and whether it will be morning or afternoon.
For those who didn’t attend we had a hugely successful Sportsman’s Dinner at Ling Farm on the 11th of this month. A huge vote of thanks to the sub-committee who organised the event – Peter Barnes, Ryan Jaynes, Jimmy and George Gooderham. The next social event is the Race Night on Saturday 23rd April. These have been very popular in the past and it is a reliable way of raising much needed funds. Tickets will be £6, horses £5 and race sponsors £25. In your email please let me know how many tickets and/or horses you require and whether your company can sponsor a race. This will be our first opportunity to introduce and entertain our Aussie who will be joining us for the season. Let’s show him a proper Garby evening!
Finally, the captains will be getting together soon to draw up squads for the start of the season. It would be very helpful if you could let us know your availability for the first four weeks of the season which starts 30th April. We had countless instances of players pulling out having said they were available to play which made life very difficult for the captains. Inevitably at times it is unavoidable but please help us by making yourselves available to start the season with a bang.
So, four thing to let me know. Vote for committee member, Cricket Force weekend, Race Night and availability for the start of the season. That’s it for now and I look forward to your replies flooding in!
01953 498252 or 07770 427361